Nice to meet you, I’m Summer Morgan.

Summer is a passionate human who seeks to study the science behind frequencies and the effect they have on the body.

Healing naturally has always been a passion of hers and understanding how much we are effected by frequencies and our thought patterns.

Owner of The White Feather - Summer is a Sound Healer, Psychic Medium and Wellness Coach.

Summer has a gift for spreading healing frequencies and creating a unique healing space.

Summer calls in her angles and guides to help with a extra dose of healings, miracles and blessings for you. She gets so much joy getting to share her gifts with you and cant wait for you to be apart of

 "The White Feather" experiences.

Manna Dabholkar

A psychic medium, spiritual guide, former therapist and a life coach, Manna is passionate about training aspiring leaders and change makers in the intersections of cultural healing, animist ethics, and the Art of Consciousness. Her teachings empower you to explore your higher spiritual self, encouraging you to seek the answers that lay within you and to build the life of your choosing. She is an initiate in and has learned from teachers of Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, Mongol Buryat, and Islamic Sufism.

Check out her Psychic Mediumship Workshop

Level 1 right here on our website

Chris Tai

Chris Tai Melodista, born in Paris in 1974, blends a rich martial arts background with over 30 years in personal development. He trained in various martial arts since childhood, earned a black belt in Japanese jiu-jitsu at 17, and competed in France's first MMA competition. In his 20s, he taught Kung Fu and Qi Gong to monks in Tibet.

First instructor certified in the US and France by Wim Hof aka “ The Iceman” in 2014, Chris holds multiple certifications, including life and love consciousness coaching, master practitioner NLP, clinical hypnosis, Pranayama, Qi Gong, Systema, combative instruction, MovNat, and stick massage bodywork therapy.

As the founder of Radical Expansion, Chris dedicates himself to performance coaching through breathwork, movement, and mindfulness. His simple method, now taught globally, has impacted thousands. An eternal student, Chris encourages others to find themselves through intentional practice and quality choices.


Marguerite is an Earth & Energy Practitioner. She is a certified Herbalist, Reiki Master, & Earth Energy Healer. She also leads private, public, & corporate Herbal Tea Ceremony Experiences & creates organic herbal tea blends. She is originally from Long Island, NY but moved to California in 2015. Shortly after graduating from Parsons School of Design in Manhattan, she spent a year in New Zealand exploring and realizing her true purpose and passion was for the Earth. However, she still finds ways to keep her creative juices flowing in all aspects of her work. Having completed courses in both herbal medicine and geomancy, she infuses her work with a more attuned understanding of the energetic properties of plants and the Earth, and their benefits to human well-being.  With an eternal commitment to helping people, and the world at large, she is thrilled to share her knowledge, passion, and skills with others eager to embrace the energy and beauty of Nature’s bounty around us.

“I have to say that I went into my first sound bath with Summer a bit skeptical to the whole process. I wasn’t sold on the thought that sound could be healing and transformative, but as I lay there I felt myself drift into an altered state of calm, releasing anxiety and soothing my body and soul. It was as though I was dreaming while awake. I truly walked away feeling a sense of relief, physically and emotionally. I felt alive, reinvigorated, and felt a sense of peace that I can’t quite explain. Summer exudes warmth and light and creates a safe space for you to let your inhibitions go. I am happy to say that I will continue to attend her sound baths because of the results I achieved. It is a go-to when life is feeling chaotic and out of control.”

– Nicole B.